A personalised diet for my sleep problem? Really?

A personalised diet for my sleep problem? Really?

In my course “7 steps to better sleep”, you will learn that your body bio-energies are to blame for your sleepless nights. The causes can be plentiful, but what is more, the moment you can decrease the offending bodybio-energy, your sleep will improve. One of your tools to do that is diet.

The diet you choose can either increase or decrease your body bio-energies and help or hinder stress. You will find a questionnaire and a body bio-energy test in “7 steps to better sleep” and with that you can determine what body bio-energy causes your sleep problem.

You will then either want to follow the vata-reducing diet or the pitta-reducingdiet. Both come with a shopping list for the vata body bio-energy and the pittabody bio-energy, which I have designed so that you will understand the concept and won’t need to micromanage every detail of your shop.

Diet is not the only factor you can work with; there are more things, all of which will be covered in my course. So you can choose to make changes to your lifestyle, which help you sleep better, and incorporate daily or seasonal habits, which make all the difference. 

The good news is by choosing a holistic solution to niggling health problems, you have many options and getting most of them right will lead to a positive result. In that way it is more of an art than a science, although the results can be measured scientifically too.

I hope to see you soon at “7 steps to better sleep” because we all deserve better sleep and radiant health!



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