
Showing posts from November, 2018

A personalised diet for my sleep problem? Really?

A personalised diet for my sleep problem? Really? In my course “7 steps to better sleep” , you will learn that your body bio-energies are to blame for your sleepless nights. The causes can be plentiful, but what is more, the moment you can decrease the offending bodybio-energy , your sleep will improve. One of your tools to do that is diet. The diet you choose can either increase or decrease your body bio-energies and help or hinder stress. You will find a questionnaire and a body bio-energy test in “7 steps to better sleep” and with that you can determine what body bio-energy causes your sleep problem . You will then either want to follow the vata -reducing diet or the pitta-reducingdiet. Both come with a shopping list for the vata body bio-energy and the pittabody bio-energy , which I have designed so that you will understand the concept and won’t need to micromanage every detail of your shop. Diet is not the only factor you can work with; there are more things,